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Toy Story 4

Woody, Buzz Lightyear and the rest of the gang embark on a road trip with Bonnie and a new toy named Forky. The adventurous journey turns into an unexpected reunion as Woody's slight detour leads him to his long-lost friend Bo Peep. As Woody and Bo discuss the old days, they soon start to realize that they're worlds apart when it comes to what they want from life as a toy.

Toy Story, a franchise that is still very much alive as shown by the latest film - once again Woody and Buzz are back in another adventure, but with a variety of different twists - all of which help to keep not only the film really fresh but also to keep the franchise exciting and modern. Toy Story has always been an iconic series though, and in order to live up to high expectations, this film really needed to be good. So this brings me to the main question, is this film worth watching or not? Here are my thoughts.

I'll start off by saying how great it is that the franchise is still continuing, Toy Story was a big part of a lot of my generations childhood and seeing the films continue to be brought out is great to see! One of the best things that the film did was at the start, I really liked how the rescue mission brought intensity, surprises and sadness into the film right at the beginning, the film didn't need to introduce us to the characters because we already know them, so instead, it focussed on throwing us right into the action quickly - the early departure of Bo Peep was surprising though. I was really surprised as to how well the film made departures seem emotional and really powerful, even at the start of the film - it really felt like the characters were real and had human-like emotions. I also really liked how the rest of the characters fitted into this too, seeing the transition from Toy Story 3 to 4 in this film was really helpful too, because it essentially reminded us of the ending to the film and then carried across the plot, story and characters into the fourth film, this meant that the film was really simple and straightforward to follow and understand which was great! I loved how new characters were introduced into the film though, usually with a franchise when new characters are added into a sequel film, they aren’t very good or well transitioned, but here I thought that the characters were really well brought into the film and introduced to us, for example seeing Forky being made and his transition into Bonnie’s life as well as Bunny and Duke Caboom - all new characters to us but they felt well introduced to us, in a way that would make them a part of the main character set in another film in the series. But as well as this, the film builds an emotion of empathy around Bonnie too, by seeing her with no friends it helps to solidify and strengthen her character so that we feel sympathetic towards her - and therefore enjoy scenes where she is in it. Most Disney films have an evil villain, and this film was no different but what I really liked was how there were a variety of twists, not only was she introduced early on which allowed us to get a creepy feeling and an idea of who she was, but also it meant that we truly understood why the characters were making certain decisions and the thoughts behind them. Needless to say, her and her henchmen were terrifyingly creepy, they were so creepy honestly, again - following the theme of creepy Toy Story characters. Not only do all of the characters feel exciting and entertaining though, but they are also funny - this film has arguably the best humour out of the series, and the humour is actually quite funny, but as well as this it just really helps to make the characters seem stronger and more realistic, because they each have individual personalities, which makes them all unique. The biggest reason this movie justifies its existence is that not only do we have closure for Bo Beep (Ghostbuster's Annie Potts), but her character is finally given justice. In the original film, it seems she was part of the cast just because they needed at least a couple of female characters. Her role didn't serve much purpose other than to be Woody's girlfriend. Same with the sequel. You could've cut the character out, and it wouldn't affect anything. Then, in number three, she was just out of the story entirely, having already been sold to a new owner. Here she finally gives her due. She has more personality, she has agency, and she is finally part of the action and story. Then the ending provided not only a really emotional finish but also a really strong finish too, seeing Gabby Gabby finally find an owner, and Woody deciding to stay with Bo Peep and leaving the gang was a bitter pill to swallow, but a powerful one that really felt powerful and well done, as well as surprising too!

Not only were the characters great but the plot was too! While essentially a road-trip film, the story focuses on the toys finding their place in the outside world for the first time and it's hard not to draw the analogy between young adults moving out of the home. The film captures the feeling of uncertainty but also the newfound possibility that leaving a place of comfort entails and it's a joy to see the series mature along with the kids who first watched Toy Story back in 1995.

One of my favourite things about the plot and story of this film is that there was no unnecessary for introducing us to the characters, they are all iconic and for many audiences, they are already familiar with who they are and their role so I’m glad time wasn’t wasted reintroducing them to us because that would have just made the film feel a little bit more of a standalone film rather than a series. Nonetheless, there was plenty to like in the plot. Not only was it complex but it was also incredibly well laid out, not only is the complex plot really exciting because it makes the film seem immersive but it also feels really easy to understand it regardless of the complexity, there was a lot going on, with character emotions, side stories and history but it was all pieces together very well, in a way that meant sure we understood very clearly what was going on, it’s purpose and it’s effect too. A complex plot also ensured that it was a bit more exciting and grown up for us too, sure it’s primarily a kids film but it’s relayed in such a way that makes it accessible and entertaining for all ages, from cool little ‘Cars’ references (Dinoco Petrol Station) to references to previous films, it definitely felt like the creators of the film had taken into account the older generation of viewers that would be watching the films - I really loved the inclusions of these small, yet cool little things and they were really exciting and cool to see! I also thought that the film provided a typical ‘good vibes’ theme for the film, it made you feel good and happy but by updating the series and keeping it up to date, it helped to please all types of audiences. Usually, films struggle to manage multiple stories from multiple viewpoints, but this film manages it very well - seeing how different characters react to certain situations helps to make the characters and plot feel really immersive, and to provide us with a unique and fresh view to the series which is very well appreciated. The variety of twists at the end were very good too, all along we were essentially told not to like Gabby Gabby but at the end, the film twists and builds sympathy for her, and then gets her onto our side and that is not only surprising to see, but it also helped contribute to the good feeling of the film too - very very well received.

Sure, the film was good - but it wasn’t perfect. throughout the film, there were a few issues and problems that I found. The main gang (Mr Potato Head, Slinky, Rex, Jessie etc.) see very little screen time which is a real shame because even though it is a Toy Story film, we basically only see Woody, Buzz and Bo from the gang. This takes part in the spirit from the previous three movies away and by the end of the movie, something felt missing and sure enough, it was this. Throughout most of the movie they just sit in the van and are kind of useless until the end, so much more should have been done to get them involved but nothing was, and it feels like that was a massive missed opportunity. The film also felt like it lacked the pure thrill and intensity from the 3rd film, each of the films have had that one defining moment but that wasn’t really present here, there were some big ones but none that really made us hold our breath. Another issue I have relates to the new characters, the only new character I ended up liking was Duke Caboom and Forky as the others provided little to nothing; and I hated how the recurring characters were terribly side-lined. Not only did the other new characters not really feel very exciting but they just didn’t really stand out, they could have been any type of toy really and they wouldn’t have really had much of an effect on the film really - another shame really. Sure, there were a few conflicts from the previous films too, like the supposed ending of the series in the 3rd film, and Woody claiming that no toy or owner should be left behind, and then he does both in the film...

Overall, I would give this film a 9. I thought it was amazing and really lived Up to the expectations and hype that I thought it would, I’m also really happy that the film justified itself, we all thought Toy Story 3 was the finale but this film really justifies itself well. There’s plenty to like here too, the plot is exciting, the characters add something to the film and the general mood behind the film really matches the good and positive energy that the previous films had. Although it would have been nicer to see the original gang, and the new additions didn’t feel that good. I would definitely recommend watching this film though because it is accessible for all, from hardcore fans to kids who haven’t seen the others and the film provides a lot of enjoyment, laughs and emotions and definitely justifies a trip to the cinema!

Thank you for reading my review, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did watching the film and writing this review. Have a lovely day and remember, to infinity and beyond!

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