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Avengers: Endgame

Adrift in space with no food or water, Tony Stark sends a message to Pepper Potts as his oxygen supply starts to dwindle. Meanwhile, the remaining Avengers -- Thor, Black Widow, Captain America and Bruce Banner -- must figure out a way to bring back their vanquished allies for an epic showdown with Thanos -- the evil demigod who decimated the planet and the universe.

There is no better way to watch Endgame than seeing Infinity war right before, luckily for me I was able to - at the cost of 7 hours!! A film that has been built up for nearly 14 years will always have massive expectations, with hints and scenes at the end of every marvel film since then, Marvel really knows how to build up a film really nicely and it really has delivered. Cinema websites crashed, people dressed up and every seat was filled ready for the film. One of the things I love most about Marvel films is their ability to create a mixture of super die hard fans and casual film goes and making films that are understandable and enjoyable by all. The Avengers are back and they’re hungry for vengeance. But the main question, was it worth it? Here are my thoughts...


As usual, I'll start off with what I liked about the film and how it started. I thought that the way in which the film not only introduced us to the Avengers who fought Thanos but also the others who didn't, was done in a really effective way and helped to kick off the film really nicely. Not only did it give us a summary of what the characters were all up to but we were also able to see first hand the impact of Thanos on the characters which was really powerful and exciting to see. This then helps us to really get into the driving seat to enjoy the rest of the film, especially as we now know exactly where all of the Avengers are and where they stand, this also just helps to make the film clearer too and straightforward which combined together gives the film a really strong starting point. One of the main themes which was first presented to us at the beginning of the film was the emotional impact that the Avengers had suffered, this felt really effective because the film really cleverly shows us the hurt, anger and sadness that the characters have - not only does this make them seem realistic but it also adds in a whole lot more passion and excitement around the characters, it gives them a real boost when they're fighting and allows us to sympathise with them when they're low - this then has a really good effect on the character models too. The characters felt really good in this film thankfully, not only was this helped by their dialogue but also the great set of acting and character roles that they all had, this then really helps to build up the emotions and links between characters perfectly because we get a really down to Earth perspective of the characters by seeing them going though a variety of different emotions. These are also really well done too, when the film gets tense or emotional then it really feels powerful because of how engaging and great the characters are, they really seem to get us engaged within the film by using their iconic dialogue lines, actions and relationships that we have come to expect from a Marvel film. Within any good film the dialogue is always key to how well the characters are portrayed to us and how good they are - in Endgame they're really good, I loved how the series and variety of inspirational quotes really make the characters losses seem powerful and realistic which showed to us really nicely. This then helps to make the events seem really believable too, the devastation is really effectively shown through character emotions and camera shots which show deserted cities and full car parks - all of which combines together to give us a really powerful effect of how the devastation has not only affected the Avengers but also the rest of the world. The quotes which referenced Infinity War were great too because they added fluidity to the films, "I went for the head" - Thor was great because it linked the start of the film to the end of Infinity War. I also loved how the characters seemed to really make the film a rollercoaster of emotions too, seeing the variety of twists and events was really powerfully done, a great example of this is when Black Widow is sacrificed for the Soul Stone, the scene really powerfully shows the emotional connection between the two characters and the sadness that each of them have when saying 'goodbye' and ultimately Black Widow letting go and sacrificing herself - the film was full of really engaging and thrilling scenes like this which helped to distract us from all of the fighting and action and take us back to the emotional aspect of the characters. The minor characters or those not even in Avengers: Infinity War, step up and help set up huge sequences that are highly entertaining and actually answer questions. Avengers: Endgame acknowledges every aspect of the characters emotions in their previous MCU film's and succeeds in the most Meta way possible. Ant-Man is a major reason for this. It's no spoiler to say that he's in the film as he produces some of the biggest laughs from the trailer of him ringing the bell at the Avenger's front gate. It's Paul Rudd's wry jokes, quick timing and fish out of water facial expressions that really assist things. The humour isn't just brought on by Ant-Man though, it's widely spread and it was actually surprisingly relevant and important to the film because it helped us to really get to grips with the new versions of the characters, as well as lightening up a few sad scenes too. The emotional impact that this film had though was amazing, I saw people crying, laughing and (at times) complete silence in the theatre whilst we witnessed Iron Mans death, his funeral and Captain America choosing to live in the past with his love and seeing the Avengers as an old man. It was a really powerful last 15/20 minutes though and arguably some of the best viewing you will see for a long time from any film, seeing Tony Stark's memorial scene really was hard hitting because of how we saw the characters, the effect that it had on them as well as knowing he won't come back to life, and that was a bitter pill to swallow. The dialogue by Captain America and Tony's memorial is actually really moving because it cuts away all of the action and adventure and really makes a huge change to the Marvel universe whilst taking them away suddenly. They were really moving to see and definitely seemed to be a perfect way to end the Avengers saga.

The characters aren't the only positive and really well made part of the film either, the plot is just absolutely amazing! Not only are there so many twists and turns that it feels so unpredictable that we can just sit back and enjoy the surprises but they are also really well implemented into the film too - seeing Thanos die at the start of the film was a massive shock because the whole Infinity War/Endgame films revolved around him - seeing him die so early was definitely a big surprise. But the plot also had plenty of other twists too, they were really nicely incorporated into the film, there wasn't too many twists that the film felt confusing and boring but there were enough to make the film consistently exciting and unpredictable. The film also takes the plot of all of the other Avengers films and links it into Endgame really nicely, we see consistent references and links to the other Marvel films which some may recognise instantly and some may not, but it's these little links and connections which really help to keep the Avengers saga going strong which I like and that continues here. One of the best parts about the plot though was how well it was thought out and executed, the Russo brothers did an absolutely amazing job ensuring that the plot was fluid, well connected and actually made sense for all types of audiences because we were moved around from various locations and planets to get updates from different characters to keep us involved - the same as what Infinity War did so well, exactly the same here. The plot also shows ambition by being really fresh and new, the way in which it does this is by combining time travel and various other Avengers films, we see some of the characters going back into time to scenes from the other films and key parts of the saga, I really love this effect because I feel that Marvel and the Russo brothers did a really good job of combining old and new to create a really fresh, exciting and powerful plot. As you would expect with a Marvel film, there are some great fight scenes which fit into the strength of the plot too. The fights are really key scenes and they are built up really nicely in the plot, which leaves them feeling really important and tense as we see them being built up. They use a combination of great audio and fast and exciting fights to create really breathtaking fight and war scenes and they're really entertaining too, especially seeing how en-thrilling thew battles for the Infinity stones are too because it emphasises its worth and the characters need to have it for their own. Throughout the years of the MCU, you feel like you know these characters, but not that personally, and this film definitely fills the missing gap there. We actually get to see these characters not fighting, doing things many of us wouldn't imagine and it makes these guys we have seen on the big screen for the past 11 years so much more lovable. This movie is also truly for the fans, coming into this movie with not much knowledge about Marvel wouldn't make you feel the same way of the movie that a fan would in terms of understanding and emotions. Avengers: Endgame is pieced together masterfully, by the Russo Brothers, who I must acknowledge for directing a movie like this. They did an excellent job with pacing, plot and keeping the whole 3 hours completely discrete and unpredictable. This movie very much feels like a culmination of what the past 11 years, and 22 movies in the MCU have lead up to. The final act is absolutely astounding, and really shows you what the MCU has come to, being one of my favourite scenes from not only all of the MCU but also that I've ever seen.

The film isn't perfect though unfortunately, and I'm just going to come right out and say it. I don't think it was as good overall as Infinity War. Sure, Endgame had a variety of fights, emotions, losses and reflections but it just really seemed to lack the intensity and consistency that I found myself loving from Infinity War, I understand it's not as action focused but it just didn't feel as intense which meant that some scenes just didn't feel as good or exciting as they could've been. Endgame ultimately is an excellent conclusion to over 10 years of film but I feel the plot's pacing and direction is really lacking to Infinity War, which 'trimmed the fat' and was much more focused and energetic. Granted, Endgame takes risks but this might be a disappointment to some fans with its slower pace that focuses on character development over action and intense sequences. I also wasn't entirely sure about the transition from Infinity War either, they both go back to back from each other but for me, some scenes just seemed to jump in a completely different place and time without actually explaining why the character was there or what they were actually doing and this definitely affected the fluidity between the two films.

I understand that the characters having a good sense of humour is exciting and part of who they are but here some of the jokes just felt a little pushed and forced upon us, Thor didn't really have to be that overweight, the Fortnite scene wasn't necessary and there were just smaller other scenes which was too forced on us to laugh really, I definitely preferred the more toned down humour from Thor Ragnarok IMO. The first part of the film wasn't massively engaging or impressive really, only focusing on some really cheesy jokes and there was barely a story line established early on, this actually was a big painpoint to be honest, it was only until about half way through the film that an established and proper plan was put into place with regards to what they were going to do or why - and with the choice to kill Thanos at the start, it all felt far too quick which meant that there was a missed opportunity to really make Thanos seem a multi dimensional character, but all we saw from the original Thanos was just him being killed. Of course we saw Thanos later on in the film but that didn't feel as intense or en-thrilling as Infinity War. If anything, it might be a good idea not to watch Infinity War right before this because you'll probably go into the film expecting a masterpiece considering the amount of hype the film has got and don't get me wrong it's still amazing, just not as good as I expected.

One of the problems for me is that this film will always be compared to Infinity War because they are essentially linked together, and as that was such a great film it was always going to be difficult to match that - but with such an amazing ending sequence to the Avengers - Marvel really give it a good go!

Overall, I give this film a 9. It was amazing, it really was and seeing the emotional scenes for Iron Man and Captain America at the end was a really strong ending to the film - arguably the best part but apart from that there was definitely a well made film which has characters which are emotionally believable and really exciting and en-thrilling - they actively get us excited about what they're going to do and how they will do it which just makes the film a little bit more fun really. I also love how fresh the plot feels, by continuously moving between Avengers films, not only does it really help to establish this film as a finale but also as the big film in the series and the most important one too for fans and general movie goers. Overall, it was a really exciting and powerful film with many scenes and actions that will definitely be remembered by Marvel fans for a long long time, but for me it just doesn't live up to Infinity War and if you take out the final 20ish minutes then it definitely wouldn't be rated so highly in my opinion. Would I recommend this film though? 100% yes! Whether you're a die-hard Marvel fan, you like superheroes or you just like films then this is a definite must see because it's so exciting and interesting that it will definitely get you excited and on the edge of your seat one minute and and leave you sad the next minute because of how well made it is and how well it really gets us involved in what is happening.

Thank you so much for reading my review, I've been up until 5am writing this as I've just got back from my midnight screening double bill - sitting in a cinema for 7 hours is something else! I hope you enjoyed reading my review though and I'm always looking for feedback so if you don't like something then please get in touch. :)

I hope you feel that I've been fair with my review, I'm a Marvel fan (not a hardcore one) but a Marvel fan nonetheless so everything I say is from my perspective and no one else's.

Thanks again and have a great day!

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